This article will be guiding you through the steps of uploading your company’s data and documents manually for verification. Do take note that this article is a subsection of the Manual KYB Document Submission guide. To access the main article, click here.
To begin, click ‘Upload Company Documents Manually’ on the Welcome Page.
You will receive a form to fill in.
There are three main sections to the form:
1. Company Information
2. Personnel Information
3. Company Documents
Do take note that while there are required and optional fields, providing additional information enhances the accuracy and completeness of your submission. Some fields may also be pre-populated based on company information provided by the Spenmo Board Resolution Form.
1. Company Information
This section will be collecting the following information below. For more specific details about the data that will be collected, do refer to Appendix 1.
1.1 General Information
1.2 Company Address
1.3 Additional Information
1.1 General Information
This section will be collecting general information about your company, such as its primary and secondary business activities, the purpose of opening a Spenmo account, and the expected monthly volume and value of transactions with Spenmo.
1.2 Company Address
This section will be collecting your company’s address.
1.3 Additional Information
This section will be collecting additional information about your company, such as your company’s website or social media accounts.
2. Personnel Information
This section will be collecting information for personnel classified as the Director, Major Shareholder, and Authorised Persons of your company as indicated in the Spenmo Board Resolution Form. For more specific details about the data that will be collected and definitions of personnel, do refer to Appendix 2.
Do take note that at least 1 Authorised Person and 2 Directors must be declared. In the case that your company only has 1 Director, you can indicate accordingly in the form.
There will be 2 subsections:
2.1 Personnel Information
2.2. Verify Personnel Information
2.1 Personnel Information
This section will be collecting personnel information, such as their role, nationality, and country of residence.
2.2 Verify Personnel Information
For verification, personnel will have to submit their identification documents. They can choose to submit their NRIC, Passport, or Work Pass.
To add and declare more personnel, click the “+ Add” tab.
After declaring at least 1 Authorised Person and 2 Directors, you can proceed to the next section.
3. Company Documents
This section will be collecting the following information below. We will highly recommend reviewing the guidelines beforehand to understand the file specifications that are accepted.
3.1 ACRA BizFile Document
3.2 Ownership Information
3.3 Memorandum & Articles of Association/Constitution
3.1 ACRA BizFile Document
This section will be collecting the softcopy of your company’s ACRA BizFile Document and the corresponding Unique Entity Number and Expiry Date.
3.2 Ownership Information
This section will be collecting your company’s Ownership Chart Structure and ownership level.
3.3 Memorandum & Articles of Association/Constitution
This section will be collecting your company’s Memorandum and Articles of Association/Constitution.
After uploading the respective documents, click ‘Submit’.
A ‘Company Verification Submitted’ landing page will appear after successful submission. Spenmo will then proceed with the verification process.
For instructions on how to check your Company Verification Status, you can view the “Checking for Company Verification Status” section in the main article.
Appendix 1
Required Information | |
Field | Notes |
Email Address | Pre-populated from Spenmo Board Resolution Form. Refers to the Authorised Person’s email. |
Legal Entity Name | Pre-populated from Spenmo Board Resolution Form. Refers to the registered company name of the business, as per ACRA document. |
Legal Entity Type | |
Number of Employees | |
Date of Incorporation | |
Country of Incorporation |
Pre-populated from Spenmo Board Resolution Form |
Company’s Primary Business Activity | |
Primary Business Activity Description | |
Source of Funds | |
Estimated Annual Turnover (SGD) | |
Purpose of Opening a Spenmo Account | |
Expected Monthly Volume of Transactions with Spenmo | |
Expected Monthly Value of Transactions with Spenmo | |
Registered Address | |
Registered Address Postal Code |
Optional Information |
Field |
Brand Name |
Company’s Secondary Business Activity |
Secondary Business Activity Description |
Company Website |
Social Media Type |
Social Media URL |
Add More Social Media |
Appendix 2
Authorised Person: Personnel who is authorised, on behalf of the Company to operate the account in the manner indicated in the board resolution.Company Director(s): Personnel who legally holds the position in the Company, validated through legal certificates.
Shareholder(s): Refers to a natural person who owns 25% or more effective shareholdings (directly or indirectly) in the Company. If none, then this refers to the natural person who effectively controls the Company (through significant influence) or the natural person with executive authority, regardless of shareholding.
Required Information | |
Field | Notes |
Role of Individual | Users can tick multiple roles applicable to the personnel being declared (Authorised Person, Director, Shareholder). |
Full Name | |
Date of Birth | |
Gender | |
Nationality | |
Country of Residence | |
Residential Address | |
(Residential Address) Postal Code | |
Choose a Document | Users can only select one from NRIC, Passport, or Work Pass. We would recommend using the NRIC ID Type if the personnel is Singaporean. |
<ID Type> Number | Input the NRIC, Work Pass, or Passport number according to the selected ID type. |
Upload <ID Type> Document | See guidelines for the proper file type and specifications before uploading a scanned document. |
Proof of Address |
Optional Information |
Field |
Aliases |
Appendix 3
Required Information | |
ACRA BizFile Document | |
Field | Notes |
Unique Entity Number (UEN) | |
Expiry Date | |
Upload ACRA BizFile Document | See guidelines for the proper file type and specifications before uploading a scanned document. |
Ownership Information | |
Field | Notes |
Ownership Chart Structure | |
Memorandum & Articles of Association/Constitution | See guidelines for the proper file type and specifications before uploading a scanned document. |
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