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All Spenmo card transactions can be synced directly to Xero. This saves you the time and effort of having to reconcile card expenses at the end of the month.
Before Syncing Transactions
Before your card transactions can be properly synced to Xero, you must ensure that you've mapped your categories in Spenmo to your Xero Chart of Accounts (CoA).
Please find a guide on how to do so here.
Syncing Card Transactions Automatically
In order for card transactions to be synced to Xero automatically, ensure that you've enabled auto-sync for 'Cards' during the integration process.
All Spenmo card transactions are tagged under the 'Default' category. In order to sync the transaction automatically, all you have to do is change the category of the card expense.
1. Go to your 'Transactions' tab and click on 'Filters'.
2. Click on 'Transaction Type' and select 'Expense'.
3. You will now be able to identify card expenses easier. Click into a card transaction.
4. Click on 'Edit details'.
5. Proceed to change the transaction 'Category' from 'Default' to whichever category you've created in Spenmo.
6. Once you've changed the category, the transaction will automatically get synced to the CoA mapped to this specific category.
7. The sync status for the transaction will then change to 'Synced'.
8. Once synced, you will be able to find your transactions already reconciled in your Xero Spenmo account.
9. Do note that once a transaction is synced, any edits you make to the transaction will not be reflected in Xero.
Syncing Card Transactions Manually
If you'd like to selectively sync your card transactions to Xero, you can opt for the manual method. This allows you to double check card transaction details before syncing them to Xero.
To use this method, ensure that the you've disabled auto-sync for 'Cards' during the integration process.
1. The process is the same as steps 1-5 for the auto-sync method above.
2. You can now sync the card transactions one by one.
3. Check the box on the left side of the transaction and click on 'Sync to Xero'.
4. Once the transaction is synced, the sync status will change from 'N/A' to 'Synced'
6. Once synced, you will be able to find your transactions already reconciled in your Xero Spenmo account.
7. Do note that once a transaction is synced, any edits you make to the transaction will not be reflected in Xero.
The Xero sync pushes all the receipts, categories selected and transaction details into your Xero account.
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