In this article, you will find answers to frequently asked questions related to Advanced Approval for Bills.
With our Bill Request Approval Flow, you can customise your approval flow based on source of fund, amount, and expense category. You can also enable Self Approval for users, which allows them to approve their own requests.
1. Who can set up the Approval Flow for Bills?
All Admins can set up the Approval Flow for Bills.
2. What if an Admin leaves the company?
If the company has multiple Admins, then the Approval Flow will be displayed as normal on other Admins’ Dashboard even if the Approval Flow was set up by the Admin who is leaving.
If the company has multiple admins, all Approval Flows will be displayed on all admins’ dashboards, regardless of who set it up.
If the company only has one Admin, then the current Admin needs to assign a new Admin before they leave the company.
3. Can an Admin create or update a customised Approval Flow without selecting any conditions?
No. An Admin will need to select at least one condition on the Approval Flow.
4. Can an Admin assign the same approver for different approval steps for the same Approval Flow during setup?
No. An approver can only be assigned to one approval step.
5. What does Any Admin mean on the Add Approver step?
It means the request will be sent to all Admins in the team. However, it only requires one person to approve. Once one person approves, the bill will be removed from everyone’s “Approval Required” page and the Bill Status will be updated.
6. What is the Self Approval Policy?
The Self Approval Policy allows Admins to enable self approval for selected users. This allows such users to approve their own requests at any time without the need for an Admin.
7. How do you set up the Self Approval Policy?
Admins can go to the “Settings → Approval Flow” page and click “Self Approval Policy”. The Self Approval Policy side panel will appear. From there, users can be added by clicking “Add User(s)” and selecting their names.
For more detailed step-by-step instructions on how to set up the Self Approval Policy, please click here.
8. I am a user who is not under the Self Approval Policy. How do my requests get approved?
Users who are not under the Self Approval Policy will not be able to approve their own requests. Below are some scenarios to explain how the user can get their requests approved.
Single-step approval flow with the user as the only approver → If the user submits a request, the request will be redirected to an Admin to prevent self-approval.
Multi-step approval flow with the users as one of the approvers → If the user submits a request, the request will be redirected to An Admin to prevent self approval. After an Admin has approved the request, other approvers in the approval flow will have to approve the request.
9. Can two Admins edit the same Approval Flow at the same time?
Yes, but the Approval Flow will be updated based on the latest change.
10. Who will see the pending requests on the “Approval Required” tab?
Only the approver who is assigned for the approval step can see the request.
11. Does it mean Admin(s) will not see all the pending approvals in the “Approval Required” tab?
Yes, but if needed, Admins can go to the “Approvals → Bills” page to help approve the step for a request.
12. As an assigned approver, why can’t I see the pending request on the “Approval Required” tab?
Please check the Audit trail to see whether it is your turn to approve. The request will only appear on your “Approval Required” tab if the previous approver has already approved the request.
13. Will the current Bill Payment approval logic be impacted after Advanced Approval Flow Setting function is enabled?
No. If you don’t make any changes on the Approval Flow setting page, all your Bill Payment requests will still follow current default flow logic. All requests are sent to all Admins, and it only requires one Admin to approve.
14. How does Default Flow and Customised Approval Flow work together?
When there is a Customised Approval Flow for the condition, then all bills meeting the condition will follow the Customised Approval Flow. Otherwise, the condition will follow the Default Flow.
15. What happens after an existing Approval Flow is updated?
Ongoing requests will still follow the old approval flow. Only new requests after the approval flow is updated will follow the new approval flow.
16. What happens after an Admin deletes a Customised Approval Flow?
Ongoing requests will still follow the Customised workflow, only new requests will follow the Default Flow.
16. Can an Admin delete Default Flow?
No, the Default Flow cannot be deleted.
17. What if the selected conditions (payment wallet, expense category, and/or approver) is deleted or deactivated?
The Customised Approval Flow will be deactivated. New requests will follow the Default Flow.
At the same time, Admin(s) will receive an error message about the Customised Approval Flow through email and on the Approval Flow Setting Page. It is recommended that Admins fix the approval flow as soon as possible to ensure all Bill Payment requests follow the correct approval procedure.
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