With Spenmo, employees can easily request Virtual Cards which Managers and Admins can then edit and preview before proceeding to approve or reject the request. Continue reading to see how you can create a new Virtual Card request and how to approve or reject Virtual Card requests.
Requesting a new Virtual Card
Role: ✔ Admin, ✖ Accountant, ✔ Employee, ✖ Bookkeeper
1. On your Spenmo dashboard, click on ‘Add Card’.
2. Select ‘Request Virtual Card’.
3. Fill in Card Title and select the team for which this card will belong.
4. Select a Team Manager from the selected team as an approver for this card request.
5. Set up the policy for the requested card which includes Spending Limit and Default Expense Category. The selected Team Manager who acts as an approver will be able to view and edit the card policy. Once you are finished, click ‘Next’.
6. Review your card request and click ‘Confirm’ to submit the request.
Approving or Rejecting Virtual Card Request
Role: ✔ Admin, ✖ Accountant, ✖ Employee, ✖ Bookkeeper
1. On your Spenmo dashboard, click ‘Cards’.
2. Click on the ‘Received Card Request’ tab to see all pending card requests.
3. Click ‘Review’ to check the complete details of the card request.
4. As an approver, you are able to change Card Title, Card Limit and Default Expense Category of the requested card. Click on ‘Decline’ to decline the card request or ‘Approve’ to approve the card request.
5. Once the card request is approved, the Manager can see the new approved card on the Cards page. The employee will be notified of the approved card request via email.
1. Can the admin approve the card request even when they are not assigned as an approver?
Yes, Admin can approve all the card requests.
2. Will the user be able to remove the pending card request?
3. Will the Manager have to approve the card request for themselves?
No, managers can directly create cards for themselves.
4. What if the card request has been pending for a long time and the manager hasn’t approved it?
Employees can remind the manager to approve the request.
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